#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
use CGI qw(:standard);
use CGI::Carp qw(warningsToBrowser fatalsToBrowser);
use Date::Calc qw(:all);
use Date::Format;
use strict;

print header;

my($sec ,$min,$hr,$mday,$month,$year,$dayofweek,$dayofyear,$isdst) = 
$year += 1900;  # add 1900 to the year
$month += 1;    # add 1 to the month (so its 1-12 instead of 0-11)

if (leap_year($year)) {
   print "This is a leap year! ";

my $now = time2str("%B %e",time);
my $days_til_xmas = Delta_Days($year,$month, $mday, $year, 12, 25);

if ($days_til_xmas < 0) { 
   my $days_ago = $days_til_xmas * -1;
   print "Today is $now. Christmas was $days_ago days ago. Happy New Year!\n";
} elsif ($days_til_xmas == 0) {
   print "Today is $now. Merry Christmas!\n";
} else {
   my $then = time2str("%B %e", time + (86400 * $days_til_xmas));
   print "Today is $now. Christmas is $then. Only $days_til_xmas days left!\n";

print end_html;